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"How to reach a goal? Without haste, but without stopping"

- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

"At sixteen years old the management of a vineyard in Castellaneta (Ta), at eighteen another in Rutigliano (Ba) as gift for my birthday and after......
Today I follow every single phase of a productive process which the climate changes have made even more complex The experiments on the varieties, on the equipments, on the covers, on the traetments and the awarness that when we work in contact with nature we must take every single decision with the clear knowledge of the final goal. Mine????.... To be proud of the strategy and of the result.

Filippo Didonna

White grapes

White with seeds
Period: June-September

White with seeds
Period: August-December

White without seeds
Period: August-November

Red grapes

Red with seeds
Red Globe
Period: August-November

Seedless red
Apulia Rosè
Period: September-November

Seedless red
Period: August-November

Black grapes

Black with seeds
Period: July-November

Black with seeds
Black magic
Period: June-July

Black without seeds
Autumn Royal
Period: September-November

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